Sunday, September 30, 2012

Health TALKS – The Exciting New Show in Australia

Many Health Coaches have taken their nutrition and wellness knowledge to the web, using blogging as a platform to connect with their clients and other interested readers. It’s a great way to share recipes, advice and daily reflections, but with so many wellness bloggers out there, how can you stand out? 

"When I started this blog, I had no idea of the opportunities that would become available to me because of it. At the time, I was just grateful to have something to do between all the juicing and coffee enemas. Now, a little over two years on, my little piece of online realty has grown so much that it is working overtime for me and my message. It has connected me to some of the most amazing people in the wellness field, and now it has lead me to work on an awesome new TV show called Health TALKS."
Posted by  Ainscough on Monday, September 10, 2012 · 28 Comments  
{Jessica Ainscough, Natalie Kringoudis, Melissa Ambrosini, and Samantha Gowing.}
Now an incredibly successful blogger with three e-books and a digital transformation program in the works, Jessica is truly a wellness warrior. Since graduating from the Health Coach Training Program, she is able to focus on something other than her health and treatment and work towards a greater goal. 
Read more about her journey and how she built her blogging business!
"Those gorgeous girls up there on my left are Australia's absolute experts in wellness and we are all so thrilled to have collaborated an a new multi media project called HealthTALKS. This is an entirely new way of sharing health and wellness tricks and tips. Why is it so unique? We're taking things to a whole new level, and sharing with you things others may not dare. This means, you not only get the information you need as to how to make your life that little bit better, but the tools to implement it. Like the HealthTALKS Facebook page and keep an eye on all our upcoming segments here"-- says Sam Gowing (an organic therapeutic chef and co-host of the TV Show).

Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Make Fresh Almond Milk

"Almond milk can be found at your local grocery stores. But there is nothing quite as delicious as freshly made, completely raw and live, and preservative-free nut milk made in your own blender. It’s kind of magical the first time you see the process of milk being made from nuts. Milk from nuts… wild, right?! You may not have time to make your own almond milk every single week, but once you get into the habit of remembering to throw almonds into a bowl of  water overnight, you might just end up making it more often then you think."-- Kimberly Snyder
Thanks so much for writing this article, Kimberly!! Please watch her video-How to make fresh almond milk:
Fresh Almond Milk Recipe From Kimberly Snyder
4 cups raw almonds {soaked overnight}
5-8 cups of filtered water {use less if you like your milk thick}
optional: stevia or dates {remove the pits} to sweeten to your taste

  1. Rinse the soaked almonds very well in a strainer. This helps remove the inhibitor enzymes on the outside of the nuts, and helps make them more easily digestible and less acidic.
  2. Place the soaked almonds and the filtered water in a blender and blend on high until smooth.
  3. Taking a nut milk bag or cheese cloth, pour the mixture through the cloth into a separate container.
  4. Squeeze all the liquid out of the cloth with your hands, so you get all the milk out and discard all the nut pulp and nut fiber {or save for another recipe}. If you are in a rush, pour the liquid through a fine strainer (though you won’t get every drop of milk out, the way you would with the cheese cloth.
  5. Do a quick-rinse of the blender. To make a smoothie right away pour some of the strained almond milk back in the blender with some stevia to sweeten it, along with some vanilla extract and any other smoothie ingredients you are using. Store the rest in a container with a lid in the fridge.I

    Yields: 6-8 servings, keeps up to 3 days in the refrigerator

    Enjoy plain, or as a base for smoothies or other recipes!
    Linas & Lana
    People who read this post also read:  How to get pretty, youthful and healthy skin?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Make Coconut Milk

My Angel Linas blog
Coconut milk, derived from coconut meat, makes an excellent substitute for cow's milk. The increased demand for coconut milk and a devastating harvest has made coconut milk an expensive and rare find in some Western countries. Fortunately, coconut milk is very easy to make at home. Here's how it's done.


1. Pour 2 cups of shredded coconut flakes into a blender.
2. Pour 4 cups of boiling water into the blender.
3. Cover blender and PULSE the mixture for 10 sec,10 times {don't run it on high} + 30 sec.
4. Take a jar, a funnel, and a fine-mesh sieve (you can also use a nut milk bag).
5. Pour the milk from the blender over a fine-mesh sieve or bag and press out as much liquid as possible.
7. The resulting liquid is coconut milk and can be used     for drinking or used in recipes. Store in the refrigerator or freeze. This will keep for about 3 days.

You do not want to run it on high. What you'll be left with, after about a minute, is a pulpy, gloppy mess. When you're done pulsing, carefully strain the 'milk' from shredded coconut. I use a fine mesh sieve. And it gives you something I think the others don't get--a nice, thick layer of coconut oil that rises to the top when you chill it.
If you strain through a cheesecloth {which you're more than welcome to do}, the fabric will catch the oils. Repeat Steps 1-6 three more times, reusing the shredded coconut. Keep a lid on your milk tightly covered and you can store it in the fridge for up to 3 days. If you want to reuse the leftover shreds (after you've "milk" them), you can do what Tropical Traditions suggested and make macaroonsWhat else do you guys think would be good in coconut milk, to make it fruitier or velvetier, or...what sounds delicious to you? 
Pics from homemade coconut milk
So, there you have it: coconut is a powerhouse of nutrients and a beauty food which makes learning how to make coconut milk a worthwhile pursuit. 

Positive affirmation for the day: 
Today I will do things that make me feel good.

Have A Great Week! 
Linas & Lana

 Read here:  How to Shred Fresh Coconut!

Pumpkin Spice Shake

dedicated to my husband Jack

Pumpkin Treats in Autumn

Pumpkin Spice Shake: Real pumpkin, pureed and mixed with traditional pumpkin pie spice and vanilla Fresh Frozen Custard. The three items up for grabs on the Culver's fall menu are their frozen Pumpkin Spice Shake, a Pumpkin Pecan Concrete Mixer, and Pumpkin Cheesecake Concrete Mixer.
This is the season for pumpkin, so why not start your day with a protein shake! It's a great way to keep your blood sugar levels balanced plus burn stored fat as fuel. I just found about the 90 day challenge shake that testes like cake. There is just one flavor and endless possibilities of recipes for your daily shake. Here is one of my favorite shakes.

Pumpkin spice shakePumpkin Spice Protein Shake

  • 8 oz. organic almond milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla Cinch protein shake mix
  • 1/3 cup canned pumpkin (without salt)
  • 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract 
  • 1/8 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp. nutmeg
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • Blend well in blender until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!
Pumpkin Layer {makes 2 parfaits, you can double it for 4}
{recipe from PUREMamas Blog}

1.5 cup baked pumpkin or squash, baked {see my recipe}
1/4 cashew milk or water
2 heaping Tbls raw local honey 
pinch pumpkin pie spice
pinch cardamon
pinch allspice
pinch sea salt {tiny pinch}
1 tsp sunflower lecithin {optional} 

When cool, blend the squash in blender with all of the listed ingredients until VERY smooth.  Top it with the yogurt layer, follow the recipe.
Enjoy perfectly healty recipes, 
Linas & Lana


Thursday, September 13, 2012

"Tranzuojame į Tallinną..."

Хиппи в Эстонии. Как это начиналось: воспоминания Кеста
"Первых отечественных хиппи я вскоре увидел на тогдашней Площади Победы 
(ныне Площади Свободы),  в самом центре Таллина, буквально напротив моего дома, примыкавшего к гостинице "Palace". Это как раз вид, на ту самую Площадь Свободы: Крест Свободы, и купол церкви XIII века. За крестом видны башни оборонительных укреплений.
Naujasis miesto centras Vabaduse väljak (Laisvės aikštė), senamiesčio pakraštyje, netoli yra Hotel Viru degtukų dėžutė, buvęs Intourist ir žinoma, kiekvienas kambarys buvo stebimas KGB. Jeigu neklystu, ant šios kalvos buvo kavinė, kur rinkdavomės ir gurkšnodavom glintveiną, karštas raudonas vynas su prieskoniais.

Из Риги, помимо Илоны, периодически наезжали Маленький Янка, Аушра... Из литовцев в Таллине на постоянное жительство осел симпатичный блондин с женским ником Бирути. Ну и, разумеется, собственно эстонская молодежь тоже не осталась в стороне: Рейн Роллинг, Рейн Мичурин, Аарэ Лойт, Янус Ныгисто, Фанат, Айн — лишь вершина айсберга. Одним из самых популярных тусовочных флетов в ту пору был дом Александра Дормидонтова, больше известного как Сассь. Этот человек был одним из тех, кого я впервые увидел еще в тусовке на площади Победы, а затем встретил в Раку. К нему в Кивимяэ (зеленый пригород Таллина, приезжали целыми командами и на несколько суток. Места было мнoго, два этажа, гуляли как хотели!
Фото Сась Дормидонтов изТалинна. Колекционер и старейший хиппи /Эстонии
          Сась Дормидонтов изТалинна. 
      Колекционер и старейший хиппи /Эстонии

 Александр Дормидонтов, обладатель одной из самых крупных коллекций, рассказывающих о жизни эстонских русских, строит дом-музей-архив, из камней, бывших в основании памятника Петру I. Он и сейчас называет себя последним настоящим хиппи Таллинна. Я очень рано стал жить отдельно от родителей.  К тому же неплохо зарабатывал  шил джинсы в огромном количестве.  Словом, полная свобода  она для меня и сейчас на первом месте.  Будучи хиппи, он очень удивился, увидев однажды свою фамилию в газетах, в календарях и т.д. И стал все это собирать.  
 Straipsni skaityti cia

Su pagarba,  Švieselė

Monday, September 10, 2012

Kelyje--Kerouac--It's a long, lonely road

MY Angel Linas blog

Visi yra skaitę arba bent jau susidarę vienokią ar kitokią nuomonę. Tačiau legendinė Jack Kerouac knyga Kelyje-On the Road--turėjo milžinišką poveikį man ir mano tranzuojančiai kartai abiejose Atlanto pusėse. Buvo idomu skaityti autoriaus išpažintįSakoma, kad jei pabandytume atsieti knygą nuo hipių ar bitnikų ideologijos, kas iš jos liks? Kelionių dienoraštis? Romano veikėjai  — amžinai apsvaigę, apdriskę, gyvena nuo miesto iki miesto, nuo moters iki moters, kurioms jie žada aukso kalnus. Ir tai nėra tuščias laiko leidimas. Tai gyvenimo filosofija, gyvenimo prasmės paieškos. 

— Tu manai, kad mes baigsime gyvenimą kaip valkatos?
— Kodėl ne? Ž
inoma, taip ir bus, jei panorėsime. O kas čia blogo? Gyveni sau, dėmesio nekreipdamas į kitų norus, — o ir tau niekas nesuka galvos, ir droži savo keliu, ir esi pats sau ponas." 

Positive affirmation for the day: There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars. Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.
--- Jack Kerouac

Kryzkalnis, Jaunius Dragūnas a.a. ir Kristupas Petkūnas 1969 vasara tranzavome i Talinna.....

Straipsnis Kauno hipiai: mažoji išpažintis
Čia spausti ::   KAUNO COMPANY

Taip, knygos herojai visą laiką kelyje. Jie dumia iš Niujorko į San Franciską, kaip mes kadaise is Kauno į Rygą arbaTalliną. Jie klausosi džazo, filosofuoja, ieško atsipalaidavimo, naujų pojučų ir tiesos. Didžiausias jų troškimas -- nebūti daiktų vergais ir patirti tikrą gyvenimo džaugsmą. 

Jauna karta raso apie knygą:
---"Kažkaip neužkabino. Bandžiau skaityt ir seną ir naują leidimą, bet rezultatas tas pats - padėjau į šalį. Ir vis dar nesuprantu, kuo ji kai kuriuos žmones žavi...Reiks dar kartą pabandyt perskaityt, reiks..."

Sudėtinga aprašinėti kultines knygas. Atrodo, kad visi yra jau susidarę savo nuomonę. Ar verta dar piršti savąją? Taip, verta! Norime išgirsti visų jūsų nuomonę, tad maloniai prašome palikti savo komentarą.

Su pagarba, Švieselė 

“I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future.” 
― Jack KerouacOn the Road

P.S. Užsidėkit savo mėgstamą džiazo plokštelę ir skaitykit.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Jack Kerouac & The Big Sur

The Big Sur has to be one of the most favorite slice of California, from the High Sierra to Death Valley. Why does Big Sur intrigue so many people?... There is the redwood forests and magnificent pristine coastal scenery, but the region has a colorful history. Some of it in books and on film, which make me want to drive there with my hubby like Jack and Lisa did it in August of this year.
                                                                                                          Bixby Creek Bridge  {Photo by Jack Daniel Mahoney}
They told us about the trip and it have me thinking I need to go back and re-read Kerouac's Big Sur, which I first read years ago in a Kerouac frenzy -- On the Road, then The Town and The City, then Big Sur. In Big Sur the "King of the Beatniks" going across the country for one more round with boys and girls before retirement to his study, bottle, and typewriter, and then, in 1969 death. He was forty-seven. The boozing and hangovers and... there is still a core beauty to Kerouac's feel for the life of language:
"Big elbows of Rock rising everywhere, sea caves within them, seas pollocking all around inside them crashing out foams, the boom and pound on the sand, the sand dipping quick (no Malibu Beach here) -- Yet you turn and see the pleasant woods winding upcreek like a picture in Vermont --- But you look up into the sky, bend way back, my God you're standing directly under that aerial bridge with its thin white line running from rock to rock and witless cars racing across it like dreams!"- Jack Kerouac 

Positive affirmation for the day: 
"Above all, he was a tender writer. It would be hard to find a mean-spirited word about anybody in all his writing."-- Aram Saroyan

I think that's very true, what struck me--his compassion allowed him to spin people's motivations into gold. At his darkest times, however, this propensity turned to paranoid delusion--he perceives people's hidden motives to be utterly evil--absurdly and falsely evil.

I mean, come on, even without the alcohol, who hasn't been there--at least for a little while?