Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bean soup with chanterelle mushrooms - Pupelių sriuba su voveraitėmis
{with potatoes and carrots, dill, basil and goat cheese}

ngredients 4 servings: 3 new potatoes  mammoth handful of beans  2 large handfuls of cock włoszczyzna : 1 young carrots, 1 little parsley, a piece of leek, celery leaves, parsley and carrots  1 tablespoon butter  1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil  1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill  1/2 bunch basil  2 - 3 tablespoons of cream 22% (for soups)  salt and freshly ground black pepper • to provide : goat cheese, baguette Preparation:

  • Vegetables, taps and wash greens. Scrape the potatoes and cut into cubes. Bean crop at the end and cut. Scrape carrots and parsnips and cut into slices. Time to chop.
  • In a large wide pan and melt the butter, add the chanterelles and vegetables, season with salt (about 1 tsp) ground black pepper, pour the olive oil and cook stirring occasionally for 5 minutes over medium heat until all ingredients gently fry.
  • Pour 1 and 1/2 liter of water (eg mineral), add celery leaves, parsley and carrots and boil. Reduce the heat, cover the pot and simmer vegetables for about 10 - 15 minutes until soft. At the end, add dill and 1 tablespoon coarsely chopped basil.
  • Let stand out of the fire. Mix sour cream with 3 tablespoons of cold water, then add a spoonful of soup (about 1/3 cup) while stirring. Transfer the soup to the pot, stir and season if necessary with salt and pepper and serve with the rest of the basil, and goat cheese baguette (optional). Read more in BLOG .
This recipe was adopted:
 From the kitchen of a very creative chef and mom Kwestia Smaku
 { is a unique project, including photographs and food arrangements. 
All dishes and desserts are cooked and prepared (and eaten :-) by the author and her friends!} 

Enjoy every day!
Take care of the moments ...
Linas & Lana

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